That summer I played 300 hours of Minecraft on my brother's XBox 360 listening to Flux Pavillion's "I Cant't Stop" on my free Pandora account. And THATs how EDM changed my life!!
ANYWAY I love electronic music
(I know "EDM" is super vague to describe dance music, it's interchangeable, right? anyway) To lil ol me, a closeted angsty middle schooler, Skrillex was my religion. I have super fond memories of listening to his Reptile remix and SCATTA and going absolutely crazy. Like it absolutely blew my mind that 1. a computer could make that noise, and 2. that it was considered music.There was so much angst stored in my tiny band kid body...I don't know where I would be without Scary Monsters or Rock 'n Roll (Will Take You to the Mountain).
In 8th grade (the peak of my Brony/scene kid phase) our history teacher put this video on for us. What was this strange music?? Why was it backwards? And most importantly, could I ever have as much swag as this guy?????
Since that beautiful day where I discovered Excision on my IPod touch-
I've sworn my life to The DJ and any persona they might have. Other early favorites of mine were Knife Party, Swedish House Mafia, The Glitch Mob, Pendulum, Boys Noize, Justice, Zomboy, Kill the Noise, Nero, Zedd, Steve Aoki...
My obsession with EDM and DJs only grew when Daft Punk received multiple Grammys for their R.A.M. album. I had listened to their Human After All and TRON soundtrack albums, but seeing them go on stage (in their robot costumes!!!) had me obsessed. I didn't know much about them or even their robot sonas before the 2013 Grammys, but I fell in love.
The post that started it all...I had my tumblr for only a few months and thought that this was the CUTEST SHIT!
It must've been pretty hard to be my friend in 2013 because all I would ever talk about or play (on my shitty phone speakers) was Daft Punk. I had their albums, song titles, release dates, birthdays, heights (yeah creepy i know) memorized. I have much more DP knowledge stored in my brain (and my tumblr) but I'll spare you the details. GOD BLESS the friends I had at that time. One of my fondest DP memories was receiving a baguette (cut in half) with Thomas and Guy-Man's robot face tooth picked to the bread. The joke is that they're French. Yeah, yeah I know, cringe.
From my Daft Punk obsession stemmed an interest in...well...
From 2013 to 2017 I was obsessed with a whole gang of different DJ sonas. This was a specific interest in not only the music these guys made, but their stage personalities, music videos, and any other scrap of lore me and a bunch of weirdos on tumblr could gather. The best way I can describe the EDM fandom on tumblr was like...just a bunch of cool kids chatting about fanart/fanfic they've made, rumors of new music, etc etc. It was a good time!! And I have many fond memories creating fanart and lore for these different characters (technically fanfics for these guys would be 'rpf' or 'real person fic' which I understand isn't everyone's cup of tea. My line of thinking was that these stories were about the DJ stage character, not the actual musician themselves-but anyway). I'd like to have descriptions of some of the stories friends and I have made for these guys. It goes pretty deep and I have mad respect for the people still making fan content.
Here's my list of EDM FANDOM LORE! I'm missing some, but I'll do my best to summarize each fan interpretation.
Shoot me a message or email me at if you have any EDM fandom experiences!
Kavinsky AKA Vincent Belorgey AKA Kav AKA The Dead Cruiser AKA Dan-Love this guy. Love his sunglasses, his aesthetic, and his ability to make absolutely NO music in 9 years. Apparently he's making a new album, and I'm beyond excited. Way back in 2014 he reposed my fanart to his instagram where I called him a blue smurf. His hit track "Nightcall" was in the Ryan Gosling movie Drive. I love him so so so much. Has since wiped his insta (RIP).
His zombie sona has some lore in these videos (Protovision)(Odd Look), (Testarossa Autodrive) and (Dead Cruiser)-though I believe this vid isn't 'canon'. Sebastian did the vocals for Odd Look, here's a slowed down version where you can hear him better:
In Mr. Oizo's shitty comedy (?) film Steak (2007) Kav plays a character named Dan and now I not so subtlety have an oc based on him. Spoiler Dan dies at the end of the movie and its hilarious. Kav is known as The Captain in Akchote Suggestion, a kleptomaniac, horse obsessed, sword wielding madman. In the Apocaverse/Zombieverse/Apocalypse AU, Kavinsky drives a ghost car with Franck and Sebastian in the passenger seat. Angst ensues. Also the car is totally sentient and slamming the trunk is equivalent to slapping its butt so please don't do that.
SebastiAn AKA Sebastian Akchote AKA Felix-Seriously one of my favorite musicians and he only has one album (Total 2011) WAIT NO he actually has a new album- Thirst (2019). You must understand that I've literally been waiting for him to make new music since 2013, and when hedoes its when I'm no longer obsessed with him.
He's released a shit ton of remixes I've compiled here. I'm in the process of collecting ALL his remixes (from different shows/broadcasts) that were never released, so wish me luck.
BTW his remix of Christina Aguilera's Beautiful is my favorite track he's ever made:
ANYWAY an incredibly talented writer who I admire immensely is still updating this fanfic about Sebastian as President of New France and his gay love rivalry with Franck and Kavinsky (Vinco). It goes...places. Think political soap opera with angst, manipulation, and plot twists. Its insane and I'm not doing it justice describing it. I'm not lying when I say this author is a literal genius and one of my all time favorite creators. The blog started out in 2016 as an ask blog but has since grown-and she updates nearly every day. I don't follow it anymore but please check it out if you're intrigued!
Sebastian plays a charcter named Felix in Mr. Oizo's shitty comedy (?) film Steak (2007). It has a cult following (the cult being the EDM fandom-I have seen it upwards of 15 times and even have my own custom jacket.) Felix and Dan are two of the main characters in Mossflower, a surreal horror fanfic based in Steakverse.
Danger AKA Franck Rivoire-
Oh God, where do I even start with Franck. My poor poor child. A main character in Akchote Suggestion and the EDM Apocaverse/Zombieverse/Apocalypse AU. "Danger" is the evil government goo experiment that possesses him. In some fics it's a supernatural entity, in others its more ambiguous. Its eyes glow white and in some headcannons it can shoot spikes out of itself symbiote style. There is many a fanart where Danger tears apart Kavinsky, much to his annoyance. The official Danger lore is that its a robot mask thing, but we ignore that. Franck is also an illustrator and some of his old art is up on tumblr (I think). One time I tried emailing his yahoo but he never replied :(. In Akchote Suggestion lore, they go by they/them pronouns, I believe. They're present in other AUs like Pyramid AU and EOVV AU but I will elaborate on those later.
Danger has released 2 albums and a handful of EPs and remixes, and his tracks are named after times of day- "11h30" being the French representation for 11:30, was named after the time of day it was completed. The title of the track "88:88" is a reference to an LCD clock which is not plugged in. 11h30 also features his own vocals (and is the best track its a BOP).
He also wore this abomination of an outfit a long ass time ago. Of course we had to do some online sleuthing to find the forbidden bass shirt.
(image large for your enjoyment)
(the cursed ass photo)
Thomas Bangalter (Daft Punk)- The silver-helmeted taller guy in DP. Wears the same avocado green button up shirt, looks kinda dorky (one time he bleached his hair blonde). ALSO GOOD LORD I have to recommend this fic if you have any interest in Daft Punk as humans in a magical realism coming-of-age story with gigolos, angst, and bird transformations. I'm completely serious. This story is based on an AU some early DP fans called "Label AU" where both Guy-Man and Thomas are personified versions of their 1990's solo labels, Crydamoure (Guy-Man) and Roule (Thomas). This fic made me cry, which is pretty easy to do, but I still think about it pretty often for a gay rpf fanfiction from 2014.
Guy-Man (Daft Punk)- The shorter gold-helmeted member of DP. Somewhat tempermental and a lot quieter than Thomas. Smokes and has longish brown curly hair. Where Thomas's Label AU form was a tough n serious gambler, Crydamoure was a lovestruck sensitive (manipulative) bastard. People drew him with heart shaped tears and wings (sometimes with pink hair).
Both Guy and Thomas (with now Phoenix member Laurent Brancowitz) started making music as the band Darlin'. Their entire discography is 11 minutes long (and not that good but I still love it).
On 2/22/2021 Daft Punk announced their split using video footage from their 2006 film Electroma.Upon hearing the news, I felt both sadness and relief. The duo hasn't done much since R.A.M. and waiting for any speck of news became obsessive and depressing. I'm happy for them, the impact they've had on the world, and all the friends I've made because of their music. The morning of 2/22/2021 was surreal, as I saw dozens of old DP blogs come back just to share their old stories and fanart. I felt an overwhelming sense of community and belonging just talking about these two funky robots. Thank you Daft Punk.
By the way, this is their best track of all time, though I prefer their Woman Worldwide remix:
Video Violence AKA Frontal Lobe AKA Vivi
Not much information on this musician, the VV project ended after about a year. I remember seeing some stuff about them, but never anything big. All of their tracks were wiped from youtube and other streaming services. I ripped the tracks I could from their fan tumblr here.
As far as (lvery little) fandom lore goes, Vivi is often drawn with Naeleck (they are bestfriends). I personally thought of them as a tech obsessed hacker (so much so, that they turned themselves into a cyborg). A supervillian type of aesthetic in Era of Video Violence AU aka EOVV AU. Will add more lore later. (see the bottom of this page for more images)
Naeleck AKA Nae-Yet another French Dj, has released 4 albums (I think? His website isn't updated). Wears a black baseball cap with a little face on it (I think its very cute). Is in EOVV AU and Pyramid AU as Franck, Daze, and Vivi's friend. In these AUs hes a drug-taking troublemaker who likes to smash things with his baseball bat.
Daze-Not much info about this guy online, even in the early 2010s when having a masked sona was big. His backstory in EOVV AU includes having fire powers and not having a face. Naeleck, Vivi, and Franck's best friend.
Gesa has released two albums and a ton of remixes. His musical style is dark, threatening, hard, and cold. His music videos/general visual style is badass with metal/gold imagery and has worked under Bromance and OWSLA Records. Shipping him with Brodinski was popular even though (according to my inside knowledge) they had a falling out?? He's in many AUs including Akchote Suggestion, Angel AU/Monster AU, Hard/Soft Gop AU. Often depicted as a mafia boss/villian and Franck's love interest (depending on the AU).
Note to self, find that Angel AU fanfic I commissioned....
Gesa is often depicted with the gold hand seen in this music vid. We had some lore about it being robotic, (a replacement after a mob boss fight) or in Angel AU, his blood was literally gold and would cake over his body if he bled. Cool!
Brodinski- often drawn/shipped with Gesaffelstein. Their ship name is "Bromance" after Bromance Records (RIP). In Monster AU/Angel AU hes an angel hunter who falls in love with Gesa. In other AUs hes a rival mob boss. Drama..........
Busy P/Pedro Winter-Record manager of Ed Banger Records, a kickass family of musicians. Is also a Dj himself. People call him "Mama P".
Breakbot and Irfane- Two funky disco lads. They make the best pool party music-their tunes make me think of California. Good vibes all around.
Bloody Beetroots/Sir Bob Cornelius Rifo-
Makes badass rock electro tunes and dons a spiderman lookin mask. Anarchist and also Italian. Franck's love interest in Akchote Suggestion.
Knife Party-
Honestly? Knife Party makes the best dubstep. Bonfire is the best dubstep track of all time...period (apperently it was featured in the fifth season of Breaking Bad??) I don't think I've ever heard a Knife Party track I didn't dance to. Like, I would give an arm and a leg to see Daft Punk, but I would give my soul to see Knife Party.
The Australian duo Knife Party consists of Rob Swire and Gareth McGrillen, two members of the drum and bass band Pendulum (WHICH ALSO GOES HARD!!)
Not much fandom stuff for them (from what I can remember) but fanart shows them with knives in their heads and little masks (sick).
This Beatsaber track is my favorite btw, I played it thinking it was just a remix of Battle Sirens...turns out it was the gay porn meme HAHAHA
Skrillex AKA Sonny Moore-Love Love Love Skrillex. With my whole life. Didn't have that much fan lore for him, but I did steal this look from 2013-2016:
BTW this is like....the only picture of Skrillex. Like he did 1 photoshoot.
Porter Robinson/Hugo- I don't think I had any lore for these two but I loooveee their music. I've seen Hugo twice and Porter once, both super beautiful moments in my life.
Mr Oizo-An insane man. I've seen him live and almost threw up on him (well..."almost" is a stretch). I made my own plushie of his orange puppet mascot Flat Eric. Probably the weirdest guy on this list and I love him dearly. Not much fan lore about him besides his sentient puppet who loves sausages and is trans.
Mr. Oizo makes films under his real name, Quentin Dupieux. Theyre...uh....good? If you like weird shit you'll probably like them. He's made Rubber (2010), Steak (2007), Reality (2014) and many others. Steak is my favorite out of the bunch and I've probably seen it upwards of 14 times at this point (the soundtrack also BOPS btw). He's crazy talented-Oizo not only directs his productions, he is usually also writer, editor, composer and cinematographer. His friends also cameo in his films, (look closely during the therapy office scene in Reality-you'll see an unmaksed Thomas Bangalter, the silver robo from Daft Punk). Gaspard and Pedro Winter make appearances in Rubber, also.
OH YEAH he also makes music. Mr. Oizo has released 6 albums and they're all fantastic. Probably the most experimental Dj in the Ed Banger crew, I'd recommend listening to Lambs Anger first, its probably in my top 15 favorite albums:
More on Flat Eric: it has it's own youtube channel, and is my fucking favorite. Has a handful of music videos and is a real ass puppet created by the Jim Henson Creature Shop!!! I saw Oizo live in 2017 and at one point Flat Eric popped up from behind the Dj table to start jamming. Absolutely beautiful.
Flat Eric was created as part of a branding deal for Levi's Jeans in the 90's. Plush toys, apparel, and commercials were produced:
Uffie-We love Uffie...we love her so so much. I hope she's doing ok. Not much lore for her in any of our stories. (There is some lore for her in Akchote Suggestion buT IM NOT CAUGHT UP YET AGHH!!!)
David Guetta-Started out as a joke character for Akchote Suggestion, then turned kickass serious? I didn't follow long enough to see where his character went. Also these posts:
Monstercat- An EDM label-has been around for a while. They make excellent tunes and has a dedicated fanbase. Notable for this master piece:
Crab rave...................................
My favorite tracks to play on Beatsaber are under Monstercat, so they're directly responsible for keeping me sane during quarentine.
Deadmau5- OH YEAH I saw him once live but left in the middle of his set because my stomach hurt. Has a hentai tattoo on his arm and likes minecraft. My fav track is the collab he did with Gerard Way.
Holy shit am i the only person who remembers this guy!!!
Seriously, he only existed for like a year and i really miss him Im so glad most of the fanart i loved seeing is still archived on tumblr, but you bet your ass im going to save all these photos anyway and put them up here (with artist credit) because ill be damned if the world tries to forget Video Violence.
This project was only active for a year, from around 2011-2012, and I remember seeing a lot of fanart of him from some Daft Punk artists I followed on tumblr in 2014.It's pretty hard to find his stuff on youtube or anywhere else but I found this tumblr blog that has tracks archived. I have some fan lore I made for the character because obviously there isn't that much info on him (or at least info i can find).
By Baru
by ddoba0205
by xannibalia
by hamhammers
by ddoba0205